Who applied to live in Fishlake a long time ago? Evidence from Settlement Examination documents.
Background information from David Hey Journeys in Family History 2004 and WB Stephens Sources for English local history 1973.
The Settlement Acts of 1662 formalised what was already common practice in many parishes. In Principal the poor were made the responsibility of the parish where they were LAST settled. The Act defined the various ways in which a settlement could be acquired, starting with the place of birth.
If someone worked in another parish for over a year, or if a boy served an apprenticeship beyond his native place, or if a family moved to a new residence and were unchallenged by the overseer for more than a year, then their new parish became the legal place of settlement. Upon marriage, a woman became the responsibility of her husband's parish.
Understandably parishes were reluctant to allow vagrants within their boundaries if they felt they were likely to become a burden on the poor rates.
Concerns were such that some parish agreed not to hire outsiders for more than 50 weeks.
The Act never worked properly, was open to many abuses and broke down in the industrial areas in the late eighteen century. A huge amount of time and energy was spent by parish officers trying to avoid being landed with the expense and responsibility of looking after vagrants.
Below is a selection of 60 settlement papers for the parish of Fishlake 1747-1838 now kept at Doncaster Archives.
Transcribed by Pattie Birch of Braithwell. Gratitude and thanks to Pattie.
These examination papers provide some detailed and fascinating information into family and parish life long ago. In some case a mini autobiography of our ancestor’s lives.
If the applicant was successful then a settlement certificate would be made out and these often survive. Certificates were issued by the local magistrates at quarter sessions.
Here is an example of the settlement examination relating to David Bysett. May 20 1749.

ADAMS William Fishlake 1771 Jun 19
Joyner; Who saith that he was bound Apprentice to his Grandfather Richard Green of Warsop in Nottinghamshire Carpenter & Joyner for 7 years that he served upwards of 5 years & bought out the remainder of his time - that about 6 years ago a house in Rotherham was devised by the Will of Joseph Denton his wifes Grandfather to his wife & her Issue but in case of of her dying without Issue then to him the said William Adams, that he the said Willm Adams lived 3 years in the said house, that his wife is since dead, & that she left a daughter who is since dead, & that in virtue of the Will of the said Joseph Denton he is now in possession of the said house & receives the rent thereof - that he has lived at Fishlake about a year & quarter but hath done no Act there or elsewhere to his knowledge or belief save as aforesaid whereby to gain a Settlement. Note at end of document] Mary his wife - Sarah 1 yrs lives in Nottinghamshire, Ann 4 yrs is with him – Moss
ALSOP John Fishlake 1835 Dec 13
The Examinant saith and deposeth, that he is about 37 years of age, was born at Fishlake WR Yorks being the place of his Parents legal Settlement, that when he attained the age of about 10 years he was bound Apprentice by Virtue of Indenture from the Overseers of the Poor of Fishlake aforesaid with Richard Amery of the same Parish until he attained the age of 21, that when he had served several years under the said Indenture at Fishlake his Master gave his consent for Examinant to be at liberty and work for himself but the Indenture was not given up, that about 12 years ago he was Married at the Parish Church of Burton in the County of Lincoln unto Hannah his present wife by whom he hath 7 children George aged II years, John aged 10, Ann aged 9, Hannah aged 8, Harriott aged 7, Joseph aged 3 and Sarah aged I year to the best of his knowledge and belief he hath not done any other Act or deed to gain a legal Settlement save as above.
AUDING Elizabeth Fishlake 1802 Aug 14
Singlewoman. The Examinant saith and deposeth, that she is about 18 years of age, was born at Thorne W R that she has lived in several services that at Martinmas 1800 she this Examinant was hired to Mr. Thomas Rickard of Doncaster in the said Riding for 1 year and served the same at Doncaster aforesaid and further saith to the best of her knowledge and belief she hath not done any other Act or Deed to gain a legal settlement save as above.
BALL Jonathan Fishlake 1767 Jan 21
About 23 years of age and that he was born as he was Informed at Kirkhouse Green in the Township of Bramwith WR and when he was about 16 years of age he was hired for a year to Thomas Dickinson of Brodsworth in the said Riding farmer and lawfully serve at the same and then went and stayed at Kirkhouse Green aforesaid with his parents about a year and then he was hired for a year to William Joys of Shaftholm in the Township of Arksey in the said Riding farmer and lawfully served the same and then he went and stayed with his parents at Kirkhouse Green aforesaid about two years and then he hired himself for a year to John Ranson of Pollington in the said Riding farmer and lawfully served the same and then he was hired for a year to Benjamin Curtis of Bankside in the Township of Thorne in the said Riding farmer but when he had served about 9 months of the said years service with the said Benjanmin Curtis at Bankside aforesaid he was married but served the remainder of his said years service which ended at Martinmas last with him the said Benjamnin Curtis at Bankside aforesaid and took a house at Fishlake in the said Riding where he now lives together with Elizabeth his wife and he further saith that to the best of his knowledge and belief he has not done any Act matter or thing to gain him a Legal Settlement since he left the said Benjamin Curtis of Bankside aforesaid and further saith not.
BARROTT Samuel Fishlake 1777 Nov 5
Labourer, Who saith that he has heard and believes it to be true that he was born at Momerley? [Mobberley] in the County of Cheshire that about 7 years ago he was hired to Hannah Douley of Millington in the said County of Cheshire a Farmer for 1 year and served the said year and at Christmas 1772 he was hired to John Whitehead of Boltinton? [Bollington] in the said County of Cheshire Farmer for 1 whole year and served the said year, This Examinant further saith that to the best of his knowledge and belief he never did any other act or deed to gain a Settlement save as aforesaid.
BEAUMONT Ann Fishlake 1788 Nov 15
Singlewoman, Who on her Oath saith that at Martinmass in the years 1780 she this Examinant hired to served James Thompson then of Fishlake in the said Township and at Martinmass following agreed to serve the said James Thompson another year and served with her said Master about half a year at Fishlake aforesaid when the said Thompson removed from Fishlake to Hatfield in the said Riding where this Examinant completed her years service, and further saith that to the best of her knowledge and belief she hath not done any act or deed to gain a Settlement save as above
BEAUMONT John Fishlake 1806 Aug 2
Labourer. The Examinant saith and deposeth, that he is about 28 years of age, was born at Sykehouse W R which was the place of his parents legal settlement, then at an early age he went to serve Thomas Birks of Sykehouse by week, where he continued until] he was about 15 years of age, when he was hired for 1 year to Thomas Webster of Carlton in the said West Riding, where he continued 2 years - He then bound himself by Indenture to serve Stephen Staniland, then of Selby Master Mariner, for the term of 3 years, which period of 3 years, he duly served and verily believes that the same period expired about 9 years ago when he was at sea, on his passage from Selby to London, being employed on that trade that about 7 years since he married and has since done any Act or deed whereby to gain any other settlement save as above
BISAT David Fishlake 1749 May 20
This Examinant saith he heard John Milner in the parish of St. Nichols in the Town of Newcastle upon Tine (Tyne), his Uncle, say that he this Examinant was born at Laidbur in the County of Sterling (Stirling) in North Britain.
BOOTHBY Henry Fishlake 1788 Nov 8
The Examinant saith and deposeth, that [he] is about 22 years of Age, was born at Cockerington in the County of Lincoln, That about 4 years ago he purchased of his brother a Lease of a Wind Mill & House in the Township of Dry Pool in the East Riding of Yorkshire for the remainder of a Term of about 6 years then to come in by the said Lease under the yearly rent of £32 reserved in & by the sd Lease for 2 years then to come which was by the said Lease reduced to £27 and occupied the said Mill & House for 2 years, when he then let the Mill for the remainder of his Term therein by verbal agreement to John Champion who was to pay £32 (vis) £27 paid to the Lesor. £2 lOs to the said Informant £2 lOs paid to be laid out in repairs of the said Mill, That John Champion has paid £27 per an[num] to the Lesor from whom he hath had receipts for the same in his the said Champions own name as this Informant believes, That about 2 years ago he took a house & croft at Fishlake in the said West Riding at the yearly rent of £6.10s.out of which his Landlord allows him the land tax and that he hath lived therein for near 2 years.
BOX Henry Fishlake 1827 Dec 27
The Examinant saith and deposeth, that he is about 24 years of age, was born at Sykehouse W R Yorks then being the place of his parents legal Settlement, that when he attained the age of 13 years his father took a house and land in the Township of Fishlake in the said Riding at the yearly rent of 12 guineas and occupied the same for the space of 7 years that Examinant removed with his father ftom Sykehouse to Fishlake aforesaid as part of his family and remained with his father the whole of the time he occupied the said house and land that about 18 months ago he was Married at the Parish Church of Fishlake to Ann his present wife by whom he hath 1 child Martha aged 9 months and to the best of his knowledge and belief he hath not done any Act or Deed to gain a legal Settlement save as above.
BOYLE Robert Fishlake 1784 Dec 14
Ship Carpenter, Who on his Oath saith that he hath heard and believes the same to be true that he was Born at Stainforth W R the place of his Fathers Settlement, and at the Age of 11 years was bound Apprentice by Indenture to William Ramsden of Stainforth aforesaid Carpenter for 7 years, 6 years of which he served at Stainforth and then bought of the said William Ramsden the remainder of his Apprenticeship, and afterwards hired himself to serve Richard Middlebrooke of Thorne in the said Riding Carpenter for a year, and performed the said years service at Thorne aforesaid, then Bound himself Apprentice by Indenture to Thomas Steemson of Fishlake in the said Riding Ship Carpenter in the following manner Viz The Indentures were made for 7 years Apprenticeship but were antedated 4 years before this Examinant entered into the Service of the said Thomas Steemson by which means he had only 3 years to serve under the said Indenture, and was to receive 10s.6d weekly wages during the said Term, which will expire on the 12th day of March next; that during 1 year and a half of the first part of his time in serving the said Steemson he lodged constantly at Stainforth aforesaid and worked (as he now continues to do) at the said Township of Fishlake, and after the said year and one halts time came to reside at Fishlake aforesaid, but was married before the time of his coming to reside there, and hath not to the best of his knowledge and belief done any Act or Deed whatsoever to gain a Settlement save as above taken and subscribed before me the day and year first above written.
BRIGGS Thomas Fishlake 1811 Jul 13
The Examinant saith and deposeth that he is about 34 years of age, was born at Cowick W R and when he attained the age of 7 years he was bound Parish Apprentice unto George Craven of Cowick aforesaid Farmer until he attained the age of 21 years but only served about II years then parted by mutual consent betwixt him and his said Master George Craven then hired as several in their different services for the last 3 years of his Apprenticeship and then was married at the Parish Church in Fishlake unto Hannah his present wife by whom he hath 5 children namely, George aged 11 years, William aged 9 years, Mary aged 7years, Elizabeth aged 4 years and Sarah aged 2 years and about 8 years back he took and rented a house at Fishlake aforesaid at the yearly rent of £2. 5s. per year when he has continued ever since and in the year 1806 he rented house and land at Fishlake aforesaid at the yearly rent of £8.11s. & house & Common Rights at Thorne at the yearly rent of £2.12s.6d. total £11.3s 6d. and since that he this Examinant hath not done any other act or deed whereby to gain a legal Settlement.
BRITON Joshua Fishlake 1813 Jan 23
The Examinant saith and deposeth, that he is about 32 years of age, was born at Sykehouse and lived with his parents until he attained the age of 14 years, he then hired to Thomas Birks of Sykehouse aforesaid Farmer, for 1 year and served the same he afterwards lived in several services at Martinmas 1805 he hired to Thomas Best, of the Township of Thome in the said Riding Farmer and served him until Martinmas 1806, he was married at the Parish Church of Fishlake to Mary Wilkinson, singlewoman and by her hath 2 children, Mary Ann aged 6 years. and Sarah aged 4 years, he futher says to the best of his knowledge and belief he never did any other act or deed to gain a legal settlement save as above.
BUTTERFIELD John Fishlake 1838 Aug 18
The Examinant saith and deposeth that he is about 67 years of age, was born at Trumfleet West Yorks being the place of his parents legal Settlement, hath lived in several Services, that at Martinmas about 33 years ago he was hired for 1 year unto Thomas Green of Bentley in the said Riding Farmer, and served the same in Bentley aforesaid, that at Candlemas in the year 1810, he took and rented a House and Land of one Mr. Nelson in the Township of Bramwith, in the said Riding at the yearly rent of £100 and upwards. and occupied the same for upwards of 20 years. That about 33 years ago Ile was married at the Parish Church of Arksey in the said Riding unto Susannah his present wife. That he this Examinant and his wife are now actually become charagable to the Township of Fishlake,
BYSATT David Fishlake 1751 Dec 18
Born in the parish Larbor [Larbert] in the Shire of Stirling aged about 41 at his age of about 12 or 14 came to Newcastle upon Tine, where he lived and wrought as a Keelman about 14 years from thence he came to Stainforth, & in Fishlake & Stainforth hath lived about 11 years, about 9 years ago he married & has 3 children. Never was hired for a year to any person, when he lived in Fishlake paid all parochial assessments, tho his Rent was but about 30s a year.
CASS John Fishlake 1771 Jun 19
Labourer; Who saith that about 20 years ago he was hired for a year by David Parish of Barmby Dun [Barnby Dun] W R Husbandman which he served & hath not since been hired for a year that he has lived at Fishlake 7 years & hath constantly paid Church & Poor Assessments to which he believes he was rated in the Assessment Books - And save as aforesaid to his knowledge or belief hath done no Act to gain a Settlement. [note at end of document] Susannah his wife- Wm 8 yrs, Iona 6 yrs, Nathanl 3yrs, Ann 6 m. if rated to Fishlake if not to Barmby Dun [Barnby Dun]
CHAMBERS Thos Fishlake 1771 Jul 5
Who saith that about 12 years ago he was hired for a year by Richd Taylor of Kirkhouse Green in the township of Bramwith - husbandman which he served - that he has resided 6 years at Fishlake aforesaid & hath paid Assessments to the Church & poor but believes he was not rated thereto in the Assessment Books - That to the best of his knowledge or belief he hath since done no other Act or Deed whereby to gain a Settlement. [note on back of document] Hannah his wife 3 children Hannah 10 yrs, Robt 5 yrs, John 2 yrs.
COOK Mary Fishlake 1787 Dec 15
Singlewoman, The Examinant saith and deposeth, that she is about 20 years of age, was born at Fishlake W R where her Father now lives who's Settlement in Fishlake aforesaid and that she has never been hired for or served a year in any service or done any act whereby to gain a Settlement save by her birth fathers Settlement as aforesaid.
COOKE Edward Fishlake 1815 May 13
The Examinant saith and deposeth. that he is about 38 years of age. was born at Hatfield W R Yorks that he hath lived in several services that at Martinmas about 17 years ago he was hired for 1 year unto William Parker of the Township of Fishlake in the said Riding Farmer and served the same at Fishlake aforesaid, that about 16 years ago he was married at the Parish Church of Fishlake aforesaid unto Ellen Mason of the same parish by whom he hath 5 children Thomas aged 13 years, Ann aged 11 years, John 9 years, William 6 years and Mary aged 1 year, that about 7 years ago he took and rented 2 tenements in the Township of Thorne aforesaid at the yearly rent of E10. 7s. and occupied the same for 9 months that about 18 months ago he received Relief from the Overseers of the Poor of Fishlake aforesaid during his residence in Thorne aforesaid that he hath not done any other Act or Deed to gain a legal Settlement save as above.
COOPER James Fishlake 1771 Jun 19
Who saith he was Born at Darfield W R that he lived with his parents till he was put out Apprentice by his Father to James Adams of Thriberg [Thrybergh] in the said Riding Blacksmith for 7 years 3 years & half of which time he served, and then his Father bought out the remainder of his time and that he afterwards went out to work by the week as a Journeyman & further saith that the said James Adams was a Certificate Man from Darfield aforesaid; and that to his knowledge or belief he hath not otherwise that as aforesaid done any Act whereby to gain a settlement. [note at end of document] Ann his wife - Elizabeth aged 18m - Darfiel
CUSWORTH George Fishlake 1777 Nov 5
Who saith that be has heard and believes it to be true, that he was born at the Township of Durker [Durker] in the Parish of Sandall Magna. [Sandal Magna, nr. Wakefield] about 14 years ago he was hired to Robert Hoyland of Grimthorpe W R for I whole year and served that year and also served the said Robert Hoyland the year following and hath since lived in several other places and about 8 years ago he was hired to the said Robert Hoyland of Grimthorpe aforesaid in the Parish of Felkirk in the said Riding for 1 year and served the said year and also served the said Robert Hoyland the 3 years following years and then Married, this Examinant further saith that (to the best of his Knowledge & belief) he never did any other Act or Deed to gain a settlement save as aforesaid
ELLWIS William Fishlake 1814 Dec 31
The Examinant saith and deposeth, that he is about 30 years of Age, was born at Haxey in the County of Lincoln, that he hath lived in several services that at Martinmas 1805 he this Examinant was hired for I year unto Richard Winter of the Township of Belton in the said County of Lincoln Farmer and served the same in the Township of Belton aforesaid that about 8 years ago he was married at the Parish Church of Hatfield in the said Riding unto Mary Sales of the same Parish by whom he hath 3 children to the best of his knowledge and belief he hath not done any other Act or Deed to gain a legal Settlement save as above
EYRE John Fishlake 1767 Sep 1
Heard say and doth believe he was born at Fishlake aforesaid, and lived there until he was 15 years of age, at which time he hired himself servant to one Francis Simpson of the township of Fishlake aforesaid for one whole year and likewise fullfilled the said service of I year and part of another, at which time he was hired by week to William Pilkington of Hatfield and continued there for about the space of 1 year , and then was hired by Michael Ann, Esqr to be his servant to look after race horses for 1 whole year. and was boarded at the above said William Pilkingtons of Hatfield the whole year, at the expiration of which he was hired for a second year and served the same and still was boarded at William Pilkingtons aforesaid, and hired again with the said Michael Ann Esqr, for 1 whole year to be his servant to travel with him and served the same and part of another year, at which time he was married and lived at Hatfield, but the last 40 days that he was servant with Michael Ann Esqr was at William Constables Esqr at West Newton in the East Riding of Yorkshire, and has never done any thing to gain a Settlement elsewhere given under my hand the day and year above written.
FURNIS Sarah Fishlake 1770 Apr 9
Who saith that at Martinmas which was in the year of our Lord 1768 she was hired for a year by James Amory of Shipton in the North Riding of the County of York aforesaid husbandman which she served & that afterwards she came to service at Fishlake in the said West Riding with her father & mother where she still continues to reside.
GILING John Fishlake 1771 Jun 19
Labourer; Who saith that about 17 years ago he rented of Mr. Francis Bedforth a farm of £1 la year at Moss [West] Riding that he occupied the same near 14 years & hath not since done any other act to his knowledge or belief whereby to gain a Settlement. [note at end of document] Eliz his wife, Mary 9 yrs - Moss
GILLION Thomas Fishlake 1773 Apr 2
Who on his Oath saith, that he has heard and believes it to be true that he was born at Hawood in the Township of Moss [West] Riding the place of his Fathers Settlement and after having lived in several different places in service for the term of 15 or 16 years He at Martinmas about 7 years ago , Hired himself for the term of 1 whole year to Thomas Baxter of Fenwick in the said Riding Yeoman, which he duly served him the said Thomas Baxter at Fenwick aforesaid being at the time of his said hiring a singleman without child or children, that before he quitted the service of the said Thomas Baxter he married since which he hath not to the best of his knowledge and belief done any Act or Deed to gain a Settlement.
GLEADALL Joseph Fishlake 1820 Jan 1
The Examinant saith and deposeth, that he is about 31 years of age, was born at Castleford W R Yorks and lived with his parents until he attained the age of 12 years, he lived in several services at Martinmas 1805 he hired to Mary Green widow of Wilsick in the said Riding for the year and served the said Mary Green 2 years, that about 11 years ago he was married at the parish Church of Bramham in the said Riding to Sarah Poole singlewoman, and by her hath 5 children, John aged 10 years, Thomas aged 5 years, Joseph aged 4 years, David aged 3 years and George aged 1 year, This Examinant further saith to the best of his knowledge and belief he never did any other Act or Deed to gain a legal Settlement save as above.
GOOD Christopher Strawson Fishlake 1829 Feb 28
The Examinant saith and deposeth, that he is about 42 years of age, was born a bastard at Kingston upon Hull in the East Riding of the County of York that when he attained the age of 16 years he was hired for 1 year unto Christopher Strawson of the Township of Fishlake in the West Riding, Waterman for the sum of 10 guineas and served the same that when he attained the age of 23 he was bound apprentice by Virtue of Indenture for 3 years unto Francis Harrison of the Township of Goole in the said Riding, Mariner to serve him in the sea service, he was to have 70 guineas for the 3 years he thinks he was to have 15 guineas for the first year 25 for the second and 30 for the third and last year, the ship in which he served was in the coasting Trade from Goole to London Goole being considered as the home of the ship, that when he had served about 4 months under the said Indenture he was taken ill and his Master left him in one of the Hospitals in London, he there continued for 12 weeks, when his Master had him removed from thence to Thorne by the Coach, he then went from Thorne to a sister of his Mothers's who resided in Fishlake and continued with her about 3 weeks, he then went to reside with one Wiliam Sutton in Fishlake aforesaid who was also a Relation of his Mothers and continued with him near 3 weeks when his Master Francis Harrison sent for him to Gook and there gave him 12 guineas to put an end to the Apprenticeship and the Indenture was then burnt in the presence of Harrison and Examinant, he having slept more that 40 nights in Goole under the said Indenture, to the best of his knowledge and belief he hath not donc any other Act or Deed to gain a legal Settlement save as above.
GOWLDEN George Fishlake 1771 Jun 19
Wheelwright; Who saith that he was bound Apprentice by his Father to David Morritt of Drax [West] Riding Wheelwright for 7 years which he served - that about 7 years ago he was hired for a year by Thos Bullas of Thorne in the said Riding Wheelwright; that during the year he married but that he performed the said service except for about a week or 10 days that he was sick, but that he returned to his place as soon as he was well, and that for the time he was ill as aforesaid his Master stopt 10s. of his wages and that save as aforesaid he hath not to his knowledge or belief done any other Act whereby to gain a Settlement. [note at end of document] Theodosia his wife, Ann 6yrs, Hannah 4yrs, Jane 18m - Thorne
GRAY John Fishlake 1773 Apr 2
Who on his Oath saith that he has heard and believes it to be true that he was born at Fishlake, aforesaid the place of his Fathers Legal Settlement and that he has lived at the said Township of Fishlake all his lifetime except about the space of 2 months that he lived with William Grey of Cowick which is now about 6 years ago, and that he quitted the service of the said William Gray by agreement, the said Examinant further saith that he has not to the best of his knowledge and belief done any Act or Deed whatsoever to gain a Settlement save as above.
HAMPSHIRE Mary Fishlake 1835 Jun 19
Borough of Pontefract (copy) Who saith on her Oath, that about 35 years since she was married to Christopher Hampshire at Fishlake, at which place her Husband was settled, by renting a house and 2 small closes, containing together, to the best of Examinant's knowledge, between 3 and 4 Acres. That her Husband kept a Horse and Cow. Examinant cannot tell exactly what Rent her Husband paid, but she believes it was above £10 a year. Her Husband rented the House and Closes at Fishlake about half a year, to Examinant's knowledge, and then their furniture was sold fur the Rent; after the sale of their Goods Examinant and her Husband removed to her Mother's at Stapleton, and shortly afterwards her Husband left her and went to America. After Examinant's Husband had gone to America and while she was staying at Stapleton, she went to Fishlake for Relief, and the overseers of that place allowed her 2s. per week for herself and child, she then returned to Stapleton for a few days preparing to remove to Fishlake, where they took her a small house, where she lived about 2 years, during which time the Overseers paid the Rent, and gave her Relief. That Examinant then left Fishlake came to Pontefract her Husband returned to her from America, at which time she was paying 50s. a year for house Rent, and after staying with her about 6 months, he returned to America since which time Examinant has heard from him only once, and that was about 9 years ago. That in the year 1813 Examinanit applied to the Overseers of Pontefract for relief and an Order for the removal of the Examinant from Pontefract to Fishlake was obtained under which she was removed to Fishlake, and that Examinant remembered going to Fishlake on that occasion with the then Deputy Overseer Benjamin Beckwith. And that against the said Order there has been no Appeal. That after Examinant had remained at Fishlake a night or two, she returned to Pontefract and has been there ever since.
HAMPSON William Fishlake 1801 Oct 17
The Examinant saith and deposeth, that he is about 35 years of age, was born at Whitgift [West] Riding which was the place of his Parents legal settlement that at the age of 12 years he this Examinant was bound an Apprentice by virtue of an Indenture for 6 years to George Davey of Thorne in the Riding aforesaid Barber and Peruke Maker but only served 4 years by reason of his said Master's death he then afterwards was turned over to his brother George Hampson of Thorne aforesaid Barber & peruke Maker, with the consent of the trustees of the above George Davey but only served about three quarters of a year before he agreed with his brother for the expiration of his said Apprenticeship - that about 8 years ago he this Examinant was married at the Parish Church of Fishlake in the Riding aforesaid to Elizabeth Burton of Fishlake singlewoman by whom he hath I child George about 7 years of age his wife being dead he then was married to Elizabeth Fratchim of the same place widdow by whom he has 1 child Susannah an infant and further saith not to the best of knowledge and belief he hath not done any other Act or Deed to gain a legal Settlement save as above.
HANDCOCK John Fishlake 1771 Jun 19
Wheelwright; Who saith that he was brought up by his Father a Wheelwright & Husbandman at Wickham in the County of Durham till he was 24 years of age & that he hath not to his knowledge or belief done any other Act whereby to gain a Settlement. [note at end of document] Eliz his wife - Geo 18m - Wickham
HINCHLIFF Matthew Fishlake 1801 Oct 19
The Examinant saith and deposeth, that he is about 36 years of age, was born Cowcliff [West Riding]: that he unmoved to Masbro(ugh] with his father that he continued with his father at Masbro[ugh] and drove his waggon till he was 17 years of age, he then was hired for 1 year and served the same with George Clark of Masbro(ugh] in the said Riding Farmer, that he was married in the Parish Church of Fishlake to Ann Cass of the said Place singlewoman, by whom he has 2 children Mary age 7 & George an infant, This Examinant further saith that he hath not done any Act of Deed whereby to gain a settlement save as above & further saith not.
HIRST George Fishlake 1773 Apr 2
Who on his Oath saith, that about 10 years ago he was bound by Indenture an Apprentice to Thomas Parkinson of Stainford [Stainforth][West Riding], Miller, that after he had served the said Thomas Parkinson 3 years and about 3 months, he the said Parkinson, Declined the business of a Miller, and he the Examinant was then Assigned over to John Smith of Thorne in the said Riding Miller to serve out the remainder of his said Apprenticeship, and that he served the said John Smith accordingly till the term mentioned in the said Indenture expired, being about 1 year and 3 quarters, that he then served the said John Smith about 3 months longer, and then hired himself to Thomas Middleton of Stainford aforesaid Miller for a year, but only served him from May Day about 4 years ago till Old Lady Day then next following that at Martinmas before he quitted the service of the said Thomas Middleton he married, the said Examinant further saith that to the best of his knowledge and belief he has done no other Act or Deed to gain a Settlement save as above related.
HOWARD John Fishlake 1771 Jul 5
Mariner -Who saith that he was bound Apprentice by his parents to Willm Hall of Fishlake [West Riding] for 6 years & that he served him 2 years & a half & then his Master gave him up his Indentures & he entered on board one of his Majestys ships of War called the Glasgow & served near 4 years that he then was hired for a year by John Broxworth of Fishlake aforesaid Mariner which he served - & hath never since been hired otherwise than by the month or week - or done any other Act whereby to gain a Settlement.
HOWDIN Thomas Fishlake 1813 Jan 26
The Examinant saith and deposeth, that he is about 32 years of age, was born at Fishlake [West Riding] that he hath lived in several services that when he attained the age of about 26 years he was hired at Martinmas for 1 year unto John Leeke of the Township of North Cliff in the East Riding of the County of York, Farmer and served the same at North Cliff aforesaid, that about 5 years ago he was married at the Parish Church of Fishlake aforesaid unto Elizabeth Moat by whom he hath 2 children Joseph and George, to the best of his knowedge and belief he hath not done any other Act or Deed to gain a legal Settlement save as above.
HOYLE Joseph Fishlake 1829 Jun 20
The Examinant saith and deposeth, that he is about 70 years of age, was born at Stainforth [West Riding] Yorks being the place of his parents legal Settlement that upwards of 26 years ago he and his wife who is since dead resided upon a Tenement in the Township of Stainforth aforesaid and during his residence there he was relieved by the Overseers of the Poor of Stainforth that about 25 years ago Thomas Simpson who was the the Acting Overseer of the Poor of Stainforth agreed with Examinant to pay his Rent for a Tenement in Fishlake which said Rent the Overseers of the Poor of Stainforth paid for the first 2 years to the best of his knowledge and belief he hath not done any Act or Deed to gain a legal Settlement in his own right.
MACHIN Mary Fishlake 1786 May 2
Widow, Who on Oath saith that she hath heard her late Husband James Machin say that he was Born at Gainsborough in the County of Lincoln the place of his Fathers Settlement, which account she believes to be true that during 17 years of her Marriage with the said James Machin she and her said Husband resided at Fishlake [West Riding] and for the greatest part of that time rented a house for which they paid £4 per annum and all Assessments for the same, and took receipts for the Assessments so paid, of one of which receipts the following is a copy. November 19th 1781 Received of James Machin the sum of 1s. for Poor Assessment by me Quintin Acomb. Further saith that the said Quintin Acomb was Overseer of the Poor of Fishlake aforesaid at the time the said Receipt was given, but that her said Husband was never rated in the Assessments for the said Township; and that to the best of her knowledge and belief neither her said Husband during his lifetime nor she this Examinant since his death have done any Act or Deed to gain a Settlement save as above.
MASON Charles Fishlake 1813 Jan 26
The Examinant saith and deposeth, that he is about 21 years of age, was born at Gateforth [West Riding] being the place of his parents legal settlement that when he attained the age of about 16 years he was bound Apprentice by virtue of Indenture for 3 years unto Robert Burr of the Township of Hook(e) in the said Riding Butcher that when he had served near the expiration of his said Indenture his Master Robert Burr and this Examinant parted by consent and put an end to the said Apprenticeship, that about 3 years ago he was married at the Parish Church of Hook(e) aforesaid unto Ann Wilkinson singlewoman by whom he hath no children, to the best of his knowledge and belief he hath not done any other Act or Deed to gain a legal Settlement save as above.
MEDLEY William Fishlake 1749 May 20 Born at Knottingley [West Riding] and that the last whole years service he performed was with John Benson of Stainforth in the said Riding and since that hath purchased a house upon the Waste at Fishlake aforesaid at the Value of £8 but that his name was never placed nor lodged in any of the Town Assessments nor done any Act or thing whatsoever whereby he hath gained a Legal Settlement but as a above said.
NETTLETON John Fishlake 1813 Jan 26
The Examinant saith and deposeth that he is about 28 years of age, was born at Sykehouse [West Riding] being the place of his parents Legal Settlement that when he attained the age of 14 years he was bound Apprentice by virtue of Indenture for 6 years unto Thomas Goodridge of the Township of Fenwick in the said Riding Cordwainer and served the same at Fenwick aforesaid that when he had served about 6 months of his Apprenticeship his Master Thomas Goodridge obtained a Certificate of his Settlement from the Township of Fishlake aforesaid, that about 7 years ago he this Examinant was married at the Parish Church of Fishlake aforesaid unto Sarah Sales by whom he hath 2 children John and William to the best of his knowledge and belief he hath not done any other Act or Deed to gain a legal Settlement save as above.
PENNISTON James Fishlake 1822 Jan 26
The Examinant saith and deposeth, that he is about 28 years of age, was born a bastard at Snaith W R Yorks, that when he attained the age of about 11 years he was bound Apprentice by Virtue of Indenture from the Church Wardens and Overseers for the Poor of the Township of Snaith in the said Riding unto William Bradley of the Township of Pollington in the said Riding Farmer until he attained the age of 21 that when he had served under the said Indenture for upwards of 6 years in the said Township of Pollington aforesaid, his Master (William Bradley) gave consent unto the Brother of Examinant (John Penniston) who was then residing in the Township of Fishlake in the said Riding, that he this Examinant continued with his Brother in the said Township of Fishlake until the expiration of the said Parish Indenture and did not return into the Township of Pollington aforesaid after the consent had been given by him the said William Bradley that about 6 years ago he was married at the Parish Church of Fishlake aforesaid unto Mary Posket of the same Parish by whom he hath 2 children, John aged 4 years and Joseph an infant, to the best of his knowledge and belief he hath not done any other Act or Deed to gain a legal Settlement save as above.
PENNISTON Joseph Fishlake 1813 Dec 4
The Examinant saith and deposeth, that he is about 26 years of age, was born at Snaith W[est] R[iding] Yorks that in the month of May in the year 1806 he was married at the Parish Church of Kingston upon Hull in the East Riding of the County of York unto Elizabeth Johnson, by whom he hath 2 children Margaret aged 5 years and Robert aged 2 years, in the year he was married he took and rented a dwelling house in High Church Parish in Kingston upon Hull aforesaid of James Gray at the yearly rent of £14 per year and occupied the same for threequarters of a year to the best of his knowledge and belief he hath not done any other Act or Deed to gain a legal settlement save as above
POSKETT John Fishlake 1813 Jan 26
The Examinant saith and deposeth that he is about 30 years of age was born at Carcroft W R that he hath lived in several services that at Martinmas about 14 years ago he was hired for I year unto James Whitaker of the Township of Campsall in the said Riding Farmer and served the same at Campsall aforesaid , that about 10 years ago he was married at the Parish Church of Barmby Dunn [Barnby Dun] in the said Riding unto Mary Cooke by whom he hath 4 children, William, John, Julia and Elizabeth, to the best of his knowledge and belief he hath not done any other Act or Deed to gain a legal Settlement save as above
POSKITT John Fishlake 1795 Jul 11
The Examinant saith & deposeth, that he is about 39 years of Age, was born at Hickleton [West Riding] that his fathers Settlement was at Sprotbrough that his Father after his birth went to reside at Fishlake where he lived with his said Father until he was about 15 years of Age that at that time he was hired to Joseph Good of Kirkhouse Green in the Parish of Bramwith in the said Riding from sometime in Feby until Martinmas following and served the said Joseph Good for the said term that at Martinmas 1771 he was hired to Jacob Oxley of the Levels in the Parish of Hatfield in the said Riding as a servant in husbandry for [text lost] and that he served the said year with the said Oxley in the Parish of Hatfield aforesaid that he afterwards lived at different places under different hirings until Martinmas 1786 when he was hired to Richard Marsden of Fishlake in the said Riding as a servant in husbandry for 1 year and that he served the whole of the said years service with the said Richard Marsden at Fishlake aforesaid. That he hath not done any other Act or deed whereby to gain a Settlement save as above.
ROBERTOM Joseph Fishlake 1747 Mar 9
Born at Brigg, Lines & lived there until he was 17yrs of age & then he was bound Apprentice to John Watson carpenter in Fishlake which said John Watsons Settlement was at Selby and died 2yrs & upwards before his said Apprentice was loose from his Apprenticeship & then that said Joseph Robertom bought his time out of John Watson's widow but never had his Indentures delivered to him before the expiration of the term of his lease he hired for a year and served a year with another carpenter called by the name of John Watson whose Settlement was at Fishlake & then he married in the year 1746 & has not lived at any other place to gain a Settlement but has above sworn before me the day & year written.This within Examinant also said he lived with his master John Watson the first about a year at Fishlake after he was first bound an Apprentice to him then he removed with his Master above said to [K]nottingley & then his Master fell badly and sent him to Selby to aquaint the Townsmen of Selby for to provide him a house for at that time he could not work so they both afterwards removed to Selby & in about 10 days after their removal his Master died there at Selby & after the death of his Master he wrought for his dame about 3 weeks & then made a bargain with her to be lose of his Apprenticeship but never paid all the money neither had his Indentures, but afterwards came again to Fishlake & hired with another John Watson & also was married there in 1746 which was before his Indentures was out. All this is what he said at the same time when he was sworn before Bryan Cooke so that Justice Cooke appinion was at that time that his Settlement wod be at [K]nottingley because his Master John Watson was no Certificate man at [K]nottingley & the last Settlement of the within Joseph Robertom that he above with his Master was at [K]nottingley & about 3 or 4 wks at lest befbre his Master died at Selby for he could not say that he after lived 40 days at last end with his Master & Dame after they removed to Selby before he left his dame
SADLER John Fishlake 1813 Jan 23
Soldier in the 20th Regiment of Light Dragoons now quartered at Doncaster [West Riding] The Examinant saith and deposeth , that he is about 21 years of age, was born at Dinnington in the said Riding and lived with his parents until he attained the age of 12 years, he then hired to John Gleedle, of Micklebring in the said Riding Farmer, for 1 year and served the said John Two years, afterwards lived in several services, at Martinmas 1809 he hired to Francis Lambert of the Township of Dolton [Dalton?] in the said Riding Farmer, and served him until Martinmas 1810, about 10 weeks ago was married at the Parish Church of Fishlake to Sarah Stubbs singlewoman, this Examinant further saith to the best of his knowledge and belief he never did any other Act or Deed to gain a legal Settlement save as above.
SMITH John Fishlake 1771 Jul 5
Who saith that he was bound Apprentice by his Father to Robt Burton of Rawcliffe [West Riding] Mariner for 6 years - that he served 5 years & 9 months and was then Impressed into his Majestys Service and to his knowledge or belief hath since done no Act or Deed whereby to gain a Settlement. [note at end of document] Elizabeth wife - no child.
SMITH Joseph Fishlake 1777 Nov 5
Wheelwright, This Examinant saith that he has heard and believes it to be true that he was born at the Township of Thorp Audlin [West Riding] in the said Riding (the place of his Fathers Settlement) about 20 years ago he was bound as an Apprentice by Indentures to his Father John Smith of Thorpe Audlin aforesaid for 7 years and served his said Apprenticeship, and about 12 years ago he hired a farm at Thorp in Bake in the said Riding for 1 year at the yearly rent or sum of £15.4s.4d and continued to live upon the said farm about 12 years and paid all Parish Assessments for the same. This Examinant further saith that to the best of his knowledge and belief he never did any other act or deed to gain a Settlement save as aforesaid.
St. PAUL Samuel Fishlake 1771 Jun 19
Labourer; Who saith that about 14 years ago he was hired for a year by Lawrence Barker of Gunnas [Gunness] in parish of Froringham [Frodingham] in Lincolnshire Husbandman which he served - that about 10 years ago his Mother died & left him about 3 roods & a half of land at Gunthorpe in the parish of Owston County of Lincoln of which he now received the rent and further saith not. [note at end of document] Sarah his wife, Sam 3 yrs, Joseph 5 yrs, Sarah 2 yrs - of Gunthorpe
STUBBS Henry Fishlake 1830 Oct 30
The Examinant saith and deposeth, that he is about 21 years of age, was born at Fishlake being the place of his Parents legal Settlement hath lived in several services that at Martinmas in the year 1827 he was hired to The Reverend Alexander Cooke of the Township of Loversall in the said Riding for 1 year and served the same within the Township of Loversall aforesaid, that about 11 weeks after Martinmas in the year 1828 he was hired to George Willey of the Township of Kirk Sandall in the said Riding Farmer until the Martinmas following, that about a month before the last said Martinmas he was hired for the sum of £14 that when he had served until the Month of May in the year 1830 his Master and he this Examinant agreed to part having at that time served his said Master more than 1 whole year in the said Township of Kirk Sandell that about 7 months ago he was Married at the Parish Church of Snaith to Mary his present wife by whom he hath 1 child George an infant to the best of his knowledge and belief he hath not done any Act or Deed to gain a legal Settlement save as above.
TEDDER (TEATHER) Samuel Fishlake 1795 Jul 11
Labourer,The Examinant saith & deposeth , that he is about 36 years of age, was born at Rufforth in the County of Nottingham that his fathers Settlement was at Ompton in the Parish of Nesaw [Kneesall?] in the said County of Nottingham that he traveled and worked together with his father at different places until the year 1788 when he came to Fishlake where he had then bought a house for himself to live upon for which he gave £20 That he was at the time of his coming to Fishlake a married man had a wife and 2 children. That he hath not been charged with, nor payed any Tax or assessments said thus since he had it that he hath done any other Act or deed whereby to gain a Settlement save as above.
TEDDER (TEATHER) William Fishlake 1795 Jul 11
The Examinant saith & deposeth that he is about 43 years of age, was born at Wella in the County of Nottinghamshire: that he has lived in several services: that in the month of May 1767 he was hired to William Lister of Thorpe on the Hill in the County of Lincoln for 1 year ensuing the he faithfully performed the said years service with the said William Lister at Thorpe on the Hill in the said County of Lincoln: that in August 1779 he was married in the parish Church of Snaith in the said County to Rachel Adams of Campsall in the said Riding singlewoman, by whom he has 7 children now living Ann age 15, Mary age 12, Rachel age 10, John age 8, Luke age 6, Sarah age 4, Elizabeth age 2. This Examinant further saith that to the best of his knowledge and belief he hath not since done any ad or deed whereby to gain a legal settlement save as above and further saith not.
WALKER Benjamin Fishlake 1787 Apr 3
Carpenter, Who on Oath saith that during the years 1782 and 1783 he this Examinant rented and occupied a house in the Low Church Parish in the Town of Kingston upon Hull and paid £10 Rent for the first year and after the Rate of £20 and year Rents for the greatest part of the second year, and that to the best of his knowledge and belief he hath not done any act or Deed to gain a Settlement since that time.
WALKER George Fishlake 1773 Apr 2
Taylor, Who on his Oath saith that at May Day in the year 1771 he this Examinant came to reside at the Township of Fenwick [West Riding] by virtue of a Certificate granted him for that purpose under the hands & seals of the Churchwardens and Overseers of the poor of the Township of Snaith, in the said Riding, that he resided at Fenwick aforesaid by virtue of the said Certificate for the term of 1 year, that at May Day 1772 he went to live at Fishlake aforesaid upon a house standing upon the Waste which he purchased for the sum of £10 the said Examinant further saith that he hath not since done any Act or Deed to the best of his knowledge and belief to gain a Settlement.
WALKER Thomas Fishlake 1813 Jan 30
The Examinant saith and deposeth , that he is about 50 years of age, was born at Carleton [West Riding] Yorks that he hath lived in several services that at Martinmas about 30 years ago he was hired for I year unto Francis Leak of South Duffield in the East Riding of the County of York Farmer and served the same at South Duffield aforesaid, that about 25 years ago he the Examinant was Married at the Parish Church of Carleton aforesaid unto Mary Taylor who is since dead, that about 4 years ago he was married unto Ann Pease at the Parish Church of Drax in the West Riding of the County of York that in the year 1809 he bought the growing crop of Hemp of John Hunt of Fishlake at the sum of E 14 and occupied the ground with growing crop of Hemp upon it for upwards of 12 weeks during which time he resided in the Township of Fishlake aforesaid upon a cottage house of the yearly rent of £4. 10s. to the best of his knowledge and belief he hath not done any other Act or Deed to gain a legal Settlement save as above.
WILKINSON George Fishlake 1777 Nov 5
Who saith that he has heard and believes it to be true that he was born at Car(r)croft [West Riding] and about 11 years ago he was bound as an Apprentice by Indentures to John Taylor of Long Hempsall in the said Riding Wheelwright for 5 years and served his said Master about 2 years and then by an Agreement his Indentures was distroyd and about 8 years ago or upward he was bound to William Burley of Church Smeaton in the said Riding Wheelwright by fresh Indentures for 2 years, and served his said Master about 15 months and then agreed with his said Master for the rest of his time that he was bound by his Indentures, and then he hired himself by the week to George Dickson of Wormasley in the said Riding and continued with the said George Dickinson for 2 years and upwards and worked in several other places since and about 6 months ago he removed to Fishlake where he hath continued to work with Thomas Stephenson of Fishlake aforesaid as a Ship Carpenter by the day ever since, he further saith that to the best of his knowledge and belief he never did any Act or deed to gain a Settlement save as aforesaid at Church Smeaton.
WILKINSON Joseph Fishlake 1777 Nov 5
Sawyer, Who saith that he has heard and believes it to be true that he was born at Car(r)croft [West Riding] that about 12 years ago he was hired to William Cope of Great Houghton in the said Riding Farmer for 1 whole year and served that year and also served the said William Cope the year following, and was hired and lived in several other places since, and at Martinmas 1773 he was hired to William Poppleton of Cudworth in the said Riding Farmer for I year and served that year and he then contracted & agreed with William Addams of Fishlake aforesaid Sawyer and Squareer of Timber for 3 years and served the said William Adams about 13 months he the said Examinant then agreed to pay the said William Adams the sum of £3.8s.for the remaining part of the 3 years that he contracted for, This examinant further saith that to the best of his knowledge and belief he never did any other act or deed to gain a Settlement save as aforesaid.WOOD Phillip Fishlake 1813 Jan 26
Labourer. Who saith that he is about 40 years of age was born in the Township of Fishlake aforesaid being the place of his Parents legal Settlement that he hath lived in several services, that at Martinmas about 17 years ago he was hired for 1 year unto Richard Pease of the Township of Kirk Bramwith in the [West Riding] Farmer and served the same at Bramwith aforesaid that about 2 years ago he was married unto Mary Cockin (his second wife) by whom he hath 1 child George an infant to the best of his knowledge and belief he hath not done any Act or Deed to gain a legal Settlement save as above.
Rob Downing January 2019.