
Fishlake History Society

Recording historical information before it disappears

Fishlake History Society

Recording historical information before it disappears

Thanks WYAS School survey May 2013

Powder measure for making cartridges

1639 image (not accurate) of Fishlake Church based on a survey by Josias Arlebone. Thanks W.Y.Archive service.

On this page we will post requests that have been received for information relating to Fishlake.

If you can help with any of the enquiries below please contact us

Enquiry about Fishlake in the 1950s
My grandparents lived in Fishlake in the 1950s, they were called Thomas and Flo Chapman. Gran cleaned in St Cuthbert’s and at the Butchers. Grandad’s job was cleaning the dykes from Fishlake to Stainforth Bridge, he also delivered milk in big churns on a horse and cart. They lived in a one up one down cottage in the yard behind the Butchers, there was a well for water outside the house. Every Saturday I walked with my Mum and Brother from Stainforth to visit, my day was spent helping Gran clean St Cuthbert’s and the Butchers. We played on two swings in the park, I can remember Mrs Stone lived in the houses at the side of the park.
It brought back some happy memories when I went on your site. Any memories or photographs appreciated

FHS: one of our members remembers Flo Chapman as Church cleaner in the 1950s. Similarly, two members remember Flo living in Downing’s Yard , also referred to as the Cross and then next to Mrs Stone in houses, now demolished opposite Church Farm on Church Lane.

Information request about John Ridgill 1870-1950
John Ridgill lived in Ivy Cottage Fishlake until his death in May 1950.
Any information about John gratefully received.

FHS: a retired villager remembers John as a neighbour in the late 1940s and we have been able to pass on significant details to the enquirer. A relative of John has been given a photograph of John taken when he lived in Fishlake.

Small Hedges Farm
Frederick Bazil Faulkner managed a Stud Farm at Small Hedges in the late eighteen hundreds. Frederick Allan Faulkner was born there in 1899.
Does anyone have any photographs or information they can share please?
The enquirer, who is working on his family tree, is now aged 85 and living in Norfolk. He was born in Doncaster and lived in Sykehouse for the first 14 years of his life.

See in old and contemporary photograph section of website for the latest photographs of Smallhedges Farm provided by the current owners

FHS: Documents held at the Doncaster Archives relating to Smallhedges Farm carry the following references:

  • Miscellaneous Papers relating to Smallhedges Farm - DX/BAX/61717 (1840 - 1871)
  • Particulars of Smallhedges Farm - DZ/MZ/62/57 Film 2 (1778)
  • Parish Council Records:
  • PR/FISH 1609-1964
  • PR/FISH/ADD 1582-1982
  • PR/FISH/ADD/2 1901-1952
  • PR/FISH/ADD/3 1757-1956

The postal address for the Archive is:
Doncaster Archives
Kind Edward Road
DN14 0NA
01302 859811



Enquiry about the England family of Fishlake, April 2018.
I am researching my grandmother’s family on my father’s side, her name is Beatrice England and she was born in 1870 in Goole. Her parents were Joseph England and Ellen Newton, both from Fishlake. Joseph had seven siblings many of whom married into Fishlake families e.g. George married Mary Ann Trimingham; Sarah married Thomas Downing and David married Thomas Downing’s sister Martha. Joseph’s parents were John England and Sarah Taylor, John, who was born in Fishlake was a farmer as was his son also named John. The parents of John England senior were John England and Ann Randall, both of whom were born in Fishlake in 1749 and they were also farmers. I have been unable to research any further back than 1749 and I have been unable to trace which farms the family owned/worked over the years. Unfortunately my grandmother was 77 when I was born and died when I was 10 and my grandfather died before I was born so I never knew much about the families. I have a number of photos but unfortunately I have no idea who they are and most are studio photos. I am hoping to visit Fishlake as there are places where members of the England family lived such as Main Street and Hay Green. If you could help in any way or point me in the right direction It would be very much appreciated. Thank you.

Since this posting we have been able to assist this lady in locating farms were her ancestors lived and more detailed information about her family who lived in the village. She is very happy with the research we were able to undertake on her behalf.


Request for information about the Bysatt family of Fishlake.

Comment: Hi I am researching my family history and have found that ancestors on my fathers side came from Fishlake. I have got back as far as 1788 and my fathers surname is Bisatt. Can you give me any advice or help with my research. I know of at least four of my ancestors are buried in st cuthberts church as I have pictures of their tomb stones. My 4th great grandfather was called Thomas Bysatt (spelt differently) and he was a taylor.

Kind regards
Josephine Pinder

I was able to provide and send copies of a Settlement Order regarding David Bysatt and family of 1751.